Five points to help you prevent doors and windows from leaking.

✅Leakage in doors and windows has always been an old problem that is difficult to solve in the door and window industry. In addition to the leakage in the walls of the house itself, the fact that the doors and windows are well selected, coupled with the upgraded installation and installation, makes the leakage almost so clear. Then why do they still appear? Here are the five points where windows are most likely to leak. We must pay attention to it when we choose and install doors and windows.

✅1. Drainage holes

Drainage holes are generally divided into hidden drainage and exposed drainage, and reasonable design of drainage holes is the most important. Please pay attention to open drainage. It would be best if you used drainage hole covers. First, it prevents sand and dust from clogging the drainage holes. Second, it is to prevent the water inside from being blown and blocked by the wind during typhoon weather, causing backflow.

✅2. the inward-opening window does not have the isobaric strip in the middle, or the isobaric strip in the middle is ineffectively overlapped with the insulation strip above the sash. Because inward-opening windows are more susceptible to water seepage, inward-opening windows are structures with a high exterior and a low interior.

✅3. The locking points on the opening sash. Some windows have a single locking point, which may not lock tightly and leave gaps. Therefore, there must be at least two upper and lower locking points on the opening sash.

✅4. if the window size is generally more than 6 meters, two frames need to be spliced together, and the position of the spliced frames must be sealed outdoors.

✅5. The gap between the window frame and the wall is too big. Generally, leave a gap of 1 to 2 centimeters. If you make a mistake in measuring the size, you can ask the merchant to fill the square pipe for you or ask the masonry worker to help. You close the gaps and then go through the normal door and window installation procedures.

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